
Friday, January 28, 2011

My Song Reality

You know my song Reality? Well if not it is a song I have been writing and I wanted to write the update for it. Tell me what you think of the lyrics.

Never in a million years did I say,
that you could play along with me,
just show me to reality,
stop hide'n the world from my eyes,
is it such a big suprise,
let me show you what I can be,
now show me to reality,
now it's time for me to go,
but before I do let me show,
you what I am inside me,
when I'm in reality.
Now I'm out in the world,
and I feel like a ball being hurled,
out of the bondage of a hand,
finally I'm on land,
free to do as I please,
instead of being on my knees,
instead of being changed to the floor,
I'm free to walk,
out the door,
I was barked up the wrong tree,
but now I'm in the real reality.....

(the chorus would be here but I haven't written it yet. :)

My life took an angry turn,
and I'm not sure what I learned,
I don't know what to do here,
so now I'm full up of fear,
I'm not sure what to do,
'cause reality tears right through you,
I feel afraid and confused,
but I also feel used,
as impossible as it seems.
reality tears right through me,
now I know just what to do,
I know just how to move,
I know just what the moves to make are,
I know just what the moves to fake are,
now I understand it,
'cause reality is a bandit,
it stole my life from me,
do I want it back?
Yes please.....

The chorus would be right there and then an new verse, but I haven't written either. I just wrote the new verse half an hour before blogging. So tell me, do you like it?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Tell Me

Tell me. Is it time to get rid of the snow? I like it alot but it's out of season. I don't know what to do with it keep it or get rid of it.

Friday, January 14, 2011


I am going to be running a 5k. I don't know when and I don't know which one yet, but I have already started training for it. Today I ran an 11:06 mil eon the tread mill and then after a two minute break I ran another quarter of a mile in 2:36 minutes. I am pumped!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Today I made a paint picture that I called Imperfection. Do you like it?